Lil Wayne Delivers Elephant Calf for One Lucky Mom! Wait, What? Samsung has kicked up their marketing with the release of their new line of devices including the Samsung Gear VR. In this short, but hilarious bit Lil Wayne helps
North America’s First Virtual Reality (VR) Roller Coaster Debuts at Six Flags Over Georgia

VR at the Amusement Park! YES! Six Flags Entertainment Corporation, based out of New York, debuted the first North American Virtual Reality (VR) roller coaster at Six Flags Over Georgia in Atlanta yesterday (March 12th) to season pass holders. The fun continues
Job Posting 3/12: Oculus Rift VR Testing Positions!

Looking for a VR Job? 3/12/2016 Looks like an ad just popped up for Oculus Rift VR testers in the Central Los Angeles area. $17/hr to play with an Oculus Rift, yes please! Caveat: I don’t know how legit this
VRonEdge Soft Launch

Hello, and welcome to VRonEdge! As you can see this site is still in development, but over the next few days you’ll start seeing more content. That said, what is this all about? VRonEdge stands for Virtual Reality (VR) on