VR at the Amusement Park! YES!
Six Flags Entertainment Corporation, based out of New York, debuted the first North American Virtual Reality (VR) roller coaster at Six Flags Over Georgia in Atlanta yesterday (March 12th) to season pass holders. The fun continues for season pass holders today, March 13, before the public opening on March 19th.
Riders of The New Revolution at Dare Devil Dive will wear Samsung Gear VR Powered by Oculus headsets (goggles) where they will defend the planet Earth against an alien invasion.
It appears this is the first of many Virtual Reality attractions Six Flags plans on rolling out. The St Louis Post-Dispatch is reporting that Six Flags St. Louis will offer a VR experience this May. According to the Post-Dispatch, The Ninja roller coaster will feature what appears to be the same VR content as the Atlanta attraction.

The obvious story here is the growth of VR in the entertainment and amusement industry, but the underlying tone is the need for scalable and interactive content. Two rides – The New Revolution and The Ninja – have very distinct names that imply a theme, yet they look to be offering the same VR experience.
My stomach is turning just thinking about it, but I need to try it out! Something tells me that my Google Cardboard won’t be the same after. Check out the promo video below.