Well, here we go again. Groupon keeps pumping out deals that aren’t deals. These non-deal alerts are turning into public service announcements to keep consumers from getting ripped off. In this case Groupon isn’t ripping you of, it’s just plain
Deal Alert…or NOT: Groupon is at it again. Latest VR Headset not a deal.

DO NOT BUY: Trend Matters 3D Virtual Reality Headset for Smartphones from Groupon Here they go again. It’s absurd that Groupon.com still operates. They pretty much scam consumers on a daily basis. Once again (see my last Groupon deal/non-deal alert) they’re
Groupon Deal Alert…or NOT: Get VRPro360 Virtual Reality Gear on Amazon Instead

Groupon Fake Deal Alert! I see this often, in fact I’ve called them out on these types of “deals” in the past. Most Groupon deals aren’t really deals and they have a less than stellar track record with most consumer watchdogs. One