DO NOT BUY: Trend Matters 3D Virtual Reality Headset for Smartphones from Groupon
Here they go again. It’s absurd that still operates. They pretty much scam consumers on a daily basis. Once again (see my last Groupon deal/non-deal alert) they’re highlighting a Virtual Reality headset/smartphone viewer which is decidedly not a deal.
In this example “Trend Matters 3D” is a random brand of a headset that’s all over the internet, which is typically sold for under $20. Groupon is marketing it as a “deal” for $24.99. A simple Google image search exposes Groupon for what they are, frauds!
Here’s a grab of Groupon’s product page: appears to have an identical headset under several different brands. See Sybol Colorcross Virtual Reality 3d and VIGICA DIY 3d.
Not only is Groupon’s price dreadful, but this headset also has horrible reviews and should be avoided. If you’re in the market for a budget friendly VR viewer/headset/goggles check out my recommendations.