Groupon Fake Deal Alert!

I see this often, in fact I’ve called them out on these types of “deals” in the past. Most Groupon deals aren’t really deals and they have a less than stellar track record with most consumer watchdogs. One of their featured “deals” today is a VRPro360 for $39.99, a budget smartphone VR headset. Looks like Groupon offered this product back in January with negative results. From the Groupon reviews, it looks to be a glorified Google Cardboard, which isn’t a bad thing – if it were half the price or free. As you can see has the exact same product for $29.99-$39.99. 


  • Google Cardboard: You can build your own or go with a prefabricated kit like the one below. With 4.5/5 stars this is a solid product. I purchased the one below and love it. You’ll have to pick the model that fits your phone. I use it with my Samsung Note Edge (2014)


  • IMAX Movie Visor 3D: If you’re on a budget and really want something more substantial than cardboard this is worth a shot at $25.99. The reviews are excellent. It fits iPhones, Android phones and Windows phones series within a screen size of 4.0-5.9inches.


I hope this alert reaches you before you buy the “deal” from Groupon. What’s your favorite budget Smartphone VR headset?

Groupon Deal Alert…or NOT: Get VRPro360 Virtual Reality Gear on Amazon Instead
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