VR Podcasts
VR Podcasts

Whether you’re just getting started in Virtual Reality (VR) or you’re a VR O.G., these Podcasts will keep your day full of VR Knowledge.

Updated June 19, 2016: Added some Twitterverse recommendations and created a “Readers Choice” section.

Most Entertaining (and my favorite): Rev VR with the Reverend Kyle

Reverend Kyle's REV VR Podcast
Reverend Kyle’s REV VR Podcast
Reverend Kyle is by far the most entertaining VR Podcaster around. As an original Oculus Rift backer, he’s been on the modern VR train for quite some time. Listeners get a taste of all sides of the Reverend — from his frank approach to serious topics to silly ramblings. Perhaps his best quality, despite his extensive VR resume, is his ability to relate to his listeners. His down to earth approach to VR resonates with non-tech savvy audiences as well as VR CEOs alike. His enthusiasm is contagious, and you’ll look forward to his Podcast notifications.

Until recently his Podcasts were hosted on RoadtoVR.com. They have since parted ways, but he continues to produce his casts under Rev VR Studios. Here’s how you can get in touch with the Reverend:

REV VR Studios Website




RoadtoVR Archives


Most Insightful: Voices of VR Podcast with Kent Bye

Voices of VR Podcast
Voices of VR Podcast with Kent Bye
Kent Bye is the NPR of VR. Perhaps the most emotional VR podcaster, he attends all the major VR events and literally interviews everyone. Seriously, and it’s great. True to his Podcast’s name, he brings the voices of the Virtual Reality industry to the world. He’s been at it for just over two years and keeps delivering great interviews on an almost daily basis. Perhaps the most intriguing thing about his discussions is his last question:

“What do you see as the ultimate potential of VR?”

He presents the same question at the close of every interview. Not only are the responses interesting in themselves, but he took them to another level and provided some neat analysis. During his Silicon Valley Virtual Reality (SVVR) Conference presentation, he broke down the responses using qualitative analysis that is worth a read/listen.

Kent Bye’s podcasts are syndicated by RoadtoVr.com, and you can find him here:







Most Educational: ResearchVR Podcast with Petr Legkov, Azad Balabanian, and Krzysztof Izdebski

ResearchVR Podcast
ResearchVR Podcast
ResearchVR’s creators are cognitive scientists that present research and commentary related to the Virtual Reality field. They cover deeply technical topics such as eye movement and the brains ability to notice latency. I’ve learned a ton tuning into their somewhat sporadic casts — that’s probably a good thing as you’ll likely be doing some research on your own, spurred by the fascinating topics they present.

With a healthy dose of intellect and wisdom, make sure you have your notepad ready. They might quiz you later. Here’s where you can find them:






Most Connected: The VRguy’s Podcast by Yuval Boger

One of the O.G.s of VR, Yuval Boger has been in the VR game for a long time. As the CEO of Sensics, INC he heads an industrial  VR company that dates back to the 90’s. His reign which started in 2006, was well before Oculus Rift’s Kickstarter that launched modern VR. His rolodex is impressive. I wouldn’t be surprised if he name-dropped Jesus. Oh, did I mention he’s also an OSVR co-founder?

His productions aren’t fancy. No fluff here, he dives right into questioning some of VR’s most influential figures.

You can find VRguy here:



VRguy’s blog



Honorable Mention:

The VR AR Association: Definitely worth a listen and I enjoy all of their podcasts. Right now it seems like a one man organization, but as membership grows I would expect more frequent podcasts that offer increasingly useful content.

VRScout Podcast hosted by Malia Probst: I want to love this production, but it’s just a little too informal for my taste. At times very entertaining and worth checking out as it might fit your fancy. I personally only tune in every few episodes and frequently tune out after my 30 min drive only to realize I didn’t get much VR info. But don’t take my comments the wrong way, Malia and guests are very entertaining and are a formidable cast to help fill your VR day. Cut out some of the chit-chat while focusing on the topics and Malia will easily challenge the Reverend as my fav VR podcaster.


Readers Choice: List of recommendations from the Twitterverse. I’ll load these on my playlist and update with my opinion later.

LHVR (Left Handed VR) Podcast: This recommendation comes directly from Reverend Kyle (Rev VR Podcast). Since I’m left handed, I’m going to assume LHVR will quickly become a fav. I’ll be tuning in ASAP.

The Real Virtual Reality Show: Recommended by the creators of ResearchVR (or whoever controls their Twitter account). That’s good enough for me. When the bi brains talk, I listen. Definitely on my playlist.

I’m sure I missed a fantastic podcast. Leave me a comment to let me know how much I suck. Otherwise, listen and enjoy.

Virtual Reality Podcasts
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